Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hills beyond Killarney
Killarney, as you might guess, is the second most popular destination in Ireland. Dublin is the first but maybe thats only because its normally the place where most people make a landfall in Ireland. 
Inside the cathedral here there seems to be a recruiting drive going on for new priests. This might be, for one reason or the other, due to the numbers leaving. I suppose its possible that they dont have much choice in the matter in some cases, thats if the church doesn't bale them out. Looking at the industrial quantity of holy water on tap, it seems there is a lot of soul cleansing going on in this town. I wonder if there's a way of detecting if someone has imbibed over the legal limit. A halo appears - perhaps?

The hills go by the name of 'Macgillycuddy's Reeks'

3 views of Lough Leane
Today I walked along part of the shores of Lough Leane which is, I think, the largest lake by Killarney. Although this place is supposed to be so popular, I have been pleasantly surprised at the low numbers of tourists. This area has many attractions outside the town so there isn't the density you find in other places like Galway. During the hours of walking I saw no more than half a dozen. 
Ross Castle

The roof of the castle above the great hall
This is a bite size castle with a living space of a large house. Went on the guided tour because its only 3 euros for pensioners. Even hire bikes have a reduction for us old buggers. 
Daffodils along the way.
Ireland is renowned for being just a little wet so the foliage is lush, not to mention the huge creeper and moss covered trees. 
Not too sure what to do tomorrow but I have 2 ideas: one to go on a bus to Dingle, and the other to hire a bike and get some exercise. The bike could be the best option after the enormous meal I've just had. D